Monday, May 31, 2010
URGENT NOTE TO AUTHORS AND FOLLOWERS OF THIS BLOG has only gone from 50 to 52 followers.this message is from blogger stating that this blog's popularity rate is going down,and we ask that this blog keeps blogging and updating not fret,because this is just a notice,and also,there is an important notice for those who have followed this blog.That is all,keep bloggin' *Blogger Team
mmk so that was interesting...well here's the note for the followers:
Attention followers of this blog:The Blogger Team asks with no obligation,that the followers of this blog advertise this blog,in order for its popularity rate to rise.This blog's Blogger Rate has gone from an A+ to a B- due to its lack of up-to-date blogging.You do NOT have to do this,but if you do it would be GREATLY appreciated.That is all,keep bloggin' *Blogger Team
guys,i got this in an email sent to me,its weird and freaky...but still,i hope u dun take it seriously.and u DUN have to advertise my blog :P but it WOULD be gr8ly appreciated if u did x] cyaz guys
Removed author
New autor... me!
Please follow if you can????
The quest for da beach!

lol x)
weekly winners

snoopy! xD lazy,lazy snoopy x] ok well thats it guys!congrats to the winners,cyaz!
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Poetry contest results
IN 1ST PLACE: lita1271. congratz! u win 1000 bugs!
IN 2ND PLACE: jezea60. great job jezea! you win 800 bugs!
When you are online please see me for your prizes :)
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Oopsies D:
Thursday, May 20, 2010
did ya like it?in math we watched this video.math is awesome,all we do is draw a tessalation and listen to music,we listed to lady gaga songs,and we listened to brittney spears '3' xDDD MATH ROCKS :D
Monday, May 17, 2010
Poetry Contest!

Winners will recieve a nice prize! ^^
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Homework:a waste of paper :P
Monday, May 10, 2010
Video Of The Week!
tee hee :D
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Hello there!
Saturday, May 8, 2010

adora and guguzi are at the top!!!! WHOAAAAAA that was so cool!LOL,u can see in the picture many of the ppl there were literally staring up xD that was such a surprise :O adora and guguzi...saying "Hello and Welcome :)" thats so cool!
What Happened???

the cities were COMPLETLY empty!!!! D: idk what happened..but soon many chobots were logging back in,so i guess chobots was shut down for a second :p anyways,its alright guys.i just thought i could share that with u xP lol.
~CuteCoco >:D

lol i was kinda distracted so i started drawing some faces around the picture xD
50 followers party pics!

it was a fun,awesome,and exciting party.i was very happy and i almost cried joyful tears,i was so happy that i have many ppl that have followed my blog and ppl who will always support and love me,and will always help me through my troubles :))
Followers Party!!!

hope to see ya there!!!! :DDD
New Items!!

we got a leopard skin shirt and dress!the shirt is for juniors and the dress is for citizens!we also got a panda shirt which is very cute and some emo-ish pants!plus,an elf dress and the AWESOME new leaf board!! its so awesome! its got a buddy on the side:a ladybug! x] and guess what guys?the wizard brought new magic! we got some sun magic!!i've heard it makes a sun scene,i havent seen it yet,but it must be really cool!
Weekly Winners!

so..CONGRATS TO XFRUITYLOOPYX AND FUFFLEY! :DD but guys..that ish not all..i haz a surprise for u guys! :DD but i will tell u what it is later cyaz!!!
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
New Contest!

so guys,"WHOS THAT CHO?" :DD first three to answer correctly get a prize! :D
plz leave ur answers in a comment,and if ur not one of my buddies,thats ok! u will still recieve ur prize,just leave ur chobot name too :)
~CuteCoco =D
(everybody claps)
(everybody is quiet...-cricket,cricket)
Monday, May 3, 2010
Chobots items!

i like the emote shirt and the donut costume looks delicious,i'd rather eat it than wear it xD but i suggest u dont wear the acorn hat around squirells D: and the hamburger hat looks funny :D
plus! there is a mod magic design made by tovictory! here it is.

it looks awesome! i hope these items and the mod magic are made! :DD cyaz!
~CuteCoco :D
Sunday, May 2, 2010