Elloz guys! i have some good news!actually great news! first i would like to present u with the most stylish chobot of the week,srry i couldnt do it yesterday because i was busy.anyways this most stylish chobot of the week is...xfruityloopyx!!!!! yayyyy!!!! lol,me and fruitay have been rlly good friends for quiet some time.so i would like to congratulate her!so she is the most stylish chobot of the week!but that is NOT it!she is ALSO being crowned BUDDY OF THE WEEK!!!!!! fruitay is awezome :D everytime we see each other i go: YO YO YO MAH FRUITAYY!!! and she goes:YO YO YO MAH COCO!!!! were rlly awezome buddies and she deserves to win both of these contest,plus her style is so unique i luv it and shes got an awesome sense of humor. x] here she is:

so..CONGRATS TO XFRUITYLOOPYX AND FUFFLEY! :DD but guys..that ish not all..i haz a surprise for u guys! :DD but i will tell u what it is later cyaz!!!
Yay I won lol :D
ReplyDeleteAnd I wanna hang out with u a TON more it's just I'm getting sooooo busy in RL D:
Hard to be on at same time as u D:
I have to get off computer after I press 'Post Comment' which is sad because I see u online on ur tracker :(
But I hope we get on at same time tomorrow or SOON!
aww,thats ok fuff.i know ur busy,im busy too.anyways thanks for all the good times and i hope some more come! :D ~huggles~